Festival Map (schedule below)

Day festival exhibition area opens 14 Sep 19 at 10:00, talks from 11:00.
Social and Music from 21:00 to 23:00

Shark is sold widely across the UK – much more so than people realise: Matt Brierley has been undercover to expose which species are being sold, under what names, whether it’s legal, what’s worrying about it and what we can do to change things.

A UK premier: telling the personal stories of communities on the front line of fisheries collapse in Madagascar


Let’s meet the coolest creatures of the deep; the worlds largest fish, rays and turtles. We’ll take a quick look at what ocean plastic pollution is out there and how it affects ocean wildlife. Most importantly we’ll generate solutions; actions we can take in our every day lives to help. It’s not too late, there is hope and we can make a difference.

How the ocean and surfing can work wonders for our well being.

Andy explores sharks’ importance to ecosystems and humankind’s mass destruction of shark species worldwide. See exclusive clips from the new documentary Sharkwater Extinction made by the recently deceased filmmaker Rob Stewart, who dedicated his life to exposing the illegal fishing industry that threatens the survival of our world’s sharks.

Stav has been travelling the world working in marine conservation and education for over a decade. Last year, she moved to London to pursue a Master’s in Climate Change; she has used poetry as an expressive outlet for complex issues since she was a child. More of her work can be found on Instagram @stavfree or her blog, The Wondering Wandering Woman.

Join Lizzie Daly for a talk about Wild Ocean Week which ended up with a surprise encounter with a giant jellyfish that went viral across the world. Lizzie will talk about the importance of the her event, why she wants to celebrate and inspire so many about the UK’s marine life and ofcourse what happened after she saw the giant jellyfish.

Basking shark conservation, Marine Protected Areas and micro-plastics.

How young people are tackling ocean pollution in their homes, schools and community.


This is a workshop to introduce young people to sharks and learn more about their ecology, how we study them, the threats they face and what kids can do to help.

Drop in session: explore some fascinating ocean artefacts collected from across the globe!

This is your chance to hear some of this inspiring childrens book and meet Polly Planet face to face!

Drop in session: Come and decorate your very own tote bag with some beautiful ocean designs.

Watch short film ‘Tails of Confinement’ by Madison, followed by a short Q&A on cetacean confinement.

In this public talk, climate speakers from Extinction Rebellion will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer solutions through the study of social movements. Recommended age: 16+
Day festival ends at 17:00
After Party
All ticket-holders over 18 years old come and join us at Mr Wolfs from 21:00 onwards to soak up the good vibes from the day and listen to some awesome music:
– The Fowlers (funk fusion)
– Soda Cat (prog/jazz/rock/funk!)
– The Majestic (reggae)
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